WHY STUDY THE BIBLE? Part 2A Bible Reading is Not Bible Study
It may come as a surprise that Bible reading is not Bible study. There are, however, substantive differences between the two. While Bible reading is beneficial, real spiritual growth generally takes place through Bible study. These differences become...
WHY STUDY THE BIBLE?: Part 1 – The State of Bible Comprehension in America
Two 2018 surveys provide data about Bible reading and theological knowledge in America. The State of the Bible 2018 [ABS 2018] (https://www.americanbible.org/state-of-the-bible/ ) survey by the American Bible Society and Barna Research Bible reports the Bible...
Introduction to Why Study the Bible
The primary purpose of this series of articles entitled “Why Study the Bible?” is to advance persuasive reasons why Bible study, i.e., knowing how to study the Bible for oneself, is vital to the life of a Christian. The primary purpose of this series of articles...
For God So Loves You…
We at stevebelsheim.com Care about Your Forever We care about you enough to post on our website a thorough presentation of God’s wonderful provision for you and your eternal future. God’s Plan of Salvation is summed up in the well-known Bible verse of John 3:16...