Steve Belsheim became a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ as an adult in his thirties. He was born in Michigan and raised in central Ohio. He graduated from Purdue University (1973 B.S. Metallurgical Engineering) and The Ohio State University College of Law (1976 J.D.). In 2016, he retired from the practice of intellectual property law after about forty years. After serving as an elder at Fairview Community Church in Fairview, Tennessee for about 18 years, Steve no longer serves as an active elder.
The study of God’s Word dramatically impacted and still impacts Steve’s life. Because he wants to see other believers experience the joy that comes through life change via Bible study, he desires to see people learn how (and continue to grow in their ability) to study the Bible for themselves. Through individual Bible study, a person can better apply biblical principles to his or her life to live a life steadily increasing in holiness.
The blog has two primary purposes. The first purpose is to carry out this blog “to the glory to God.” See 1 Corinthians 10:31. The second purpose of this blog is to provide sound instruction and encouragement for those who want to learn better how to study the Bible for themselves. This purpose is consistent with Paul’s instruction to Timothy to be diligent in his study of God’s Word. See 2 Timothy 2:15.
For this blog, the preferred approach to Bible study is through the inductive Bible study method, which comprises the steps of observation, interpretation, and application of the text to the 21st Century.
The content of this blog will try to stay within the parameters of the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy (1978), the Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics (1982), and the Chicago Statement of Biblical Application (1986).