
My blog, stevebelsheim.com, aims to speak biblical truth into a dark world.   My blog contains five primary categories about which I will write articles.  Each article will carry only its primary categorization.

The first category is BIBLE STUDY METHODS & TECHNIQUES.  Articles in this category will discuss how a person can engage the Bible.  Hopefully, I will use these methods and techniques in my writing.

The second category is the SAVING GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST.  Articles in this category will discuss the substance of the saving gospel of Jesus Christ and ways to evangelize lost people.

The third category is LGBTQ ISSUES.  Articles in this category will discuss the various issues associated with the LGBTQ agenda.  One focus of essays in this category is the biblical truth that those persons who are serial and unrepentantly engaged in the activities endorsed by the LGBTQ movement are on their way to an eternity in hell.  I hope that some of what I write will cause them to repent and trust alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ for their salvation.

The fourth category is BAPTISMAL REGENERATION ISSUES.  Articles in this category will address the fallacy of the doctrine of baptismal regeneration, which requires water baptism for salvation.   A doctrine that teaches to trust in something in addition to Christ’s sacrifice on the cross (e.g., water baptism) translates into a damning doctrine with no salvific efficacy.   I hope that some of what I write will cause some people who ascribe to this doctrine to repent and trust alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ for their salvation.

The fifth category is CHURCH-GOVERNMENT INTERFACE.  Articles in this category address the interface between evangelical Christians and governmental authorities.  The primary Scripture in this category is Romans 13:1-7.