Pastors – Encourage a Culture of Bible Engagement, Explain Your Interpretative Process
Pastors – Encourage a Culture of Bible Engagement, Explain Your Interpretive Process Process One purpose of the stevebelsheim.com blog is “to pass along to Pastors and church leaders advice and comments about increasing Bible engagement among the people in their...
WHY STUDY THE BIBLE? Part 5B The Bible Teaches Holy Living
Part 5B shows that God wants a believer to live a holy life and the Bible gives guidance on holy living Holy living is precisely what God wants from a believer. A text like 1 Peter 1:15–16 (ESV) makes God’s command to be “holy” crystal clear: 15 but as he who...
WHY STUDY THE BIBLE? Part 5A The Bible Teaches Holy Living
The ability to study the Bible allows a person to carry better out living a holy life. Here, the concept of a holy life or holy living refers to a lifestyle that is set apart from the lifestyle of the world in that a person is grounded and firm in living a...
WHY STUDY THE BIBLE? Part 4D Bible Study Teaches Discernment between Truth and Error
Parts 4A through 4D show that Bible study teaches a person how to discern between spiritual truth and spiritual error. The ability to possess spiritual discernment is especially critical in the 21st Century because of the proliferation of theological error...
WHY STUDY THE BIBLE? Part 4C Bible Study Teaches Discernment between Truth and Error
Parts 4A through 4D show that Bible study teaches a person how to discern between spiritual truth and spiritual error. The ability to possess spiritual discernment is especially critical in the 21st Century because of the proliferation of theological error...