An Exceptionally Excellent Issue of Bible Study Magazine – Part Five
This blog post is a continuation of the series discussing the excellent guidance in the September/October 2019 issue of Bible Study Magazine. The second article is entitled “Receiving God’s Message for Us” by Peter Krol. By the way, Peter has a helpful Bible...
An Exceptionally Excellent Issue of Bible Study Magazine – Part Four
This blog post is a continuation of the series discussing the excellent guidance for Bible study in the September/October 2019 issue of Bible Study Magazine. The first article is “One Precept at a Time” by Kay Arthur. While my synopsis is no substitute for...
An Exceptionally Excellent Issue of Bible Study Magazine – Part Three
This blog post is a continuation of the series discussing the excellent guidance in the September/October 2019 issue of Bible Study Magazine. Below is a synopsis of the final “Words to Live By.” Trevin Wax presents two useful tips. First, when you engage...
An Exceptionally Execellent Issue of Bible Study Magazine – Part Two
This blog post is a continuation of the series discussing the excellent guidance in the September/October 2019 issue of Bible Study Magazine. Below is a synopsis of some more “Words to Live By.” JR Vassar suggests reading and rereading the text. For...
An Exceptionally Excellent Issue of Bible Study Magazine – Part One
I just finished reading the September/October 2019 issue of Bible Study Magazine. While I always enjoy reading Bible Study Magazine, this issue is extraordinary. When compiled together, the articles provide a solid foundation of tools to study the...