Vital Research Tools for More Competent Bible Study
Most churches do not stress the arsenal of research tools that are necessary for a Bible student to carry out better, more competent, Bible study. As a consequence, many Christ-followers do not have a clue that they need research tools, much less what research...
Better Bible Study through Using a Graphōble Hybrid Journal
The article about “Journibles” (see the guest post at knowableword.com by Angie Stanley entitled “Why I Love Journibles” (October 25, 2019 ) (link: https://www.knowableword.com/2019/10/25/why-i-love-journibles/ . ) reminded me about the significant...
Drawing Closer to God through Copying Scripture
My reading of the article about “journibles” has increased my interest in copying Scripture as a part of my Bible study practice. I am more attentive to articles about copying Scripture. One such article is by Ray Pritchard entitled “Writing out Scripture...
Using a “Journible” for Better Bible Study
I subscribe to the Knowable Word blog and enjoy the articles by Peter Krol. On October 25, 2019, his blog published a guest post by Angie Stanley about a “journible.” The link is to “Why I Love Journibles” (October 25, 2019) ...
One Exciting Feature of 2 Corinthians 5:18-21
On October 20, 2019, I had the privilege to fill the pulpit at my home church, Fairview Community Church, in Fairview, Tennessee. The sermon title was “Rescued to be a Rescuer” (borrowed from Ron Hutchcraft), and the text was 2 Corinthians 5:18-21. During...